The FUN™ Program

Advances in traditional medicine focus on physical symptom relief and stabilization. The FUN™ Program utilizes mind body counseling such as EMDR, Brainspotting, and Yoga Nidra in addition to traditional psychotherapy.

In contrast, complementary or integrative practices improve and often heal physical, emotional, and spiritual health. These approaches are not alternatives to traditional medical practices. However, they offer patients additional techniques that will transform and enhance their lives.


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mind body counseling

Limitless Potentials, Inc., located in Jupiter, provides a holistic approach for living in balance through mind body counseling and therapist services for persons in Palm Beach County seeking balance in mind, body, and spirit. What makes the counseling and therapy services offered different? It’s the combination of psychotherapy services (individual, group, family), mind-body exercises, and movement therapies.

The techniques Dr. Kathy provides are simple, direct, and FUN™ tools for immediate shifts in thinking and action. Techniques she utilizes include the use of mental imagery, dream reading, and incorporating the use of the FUN™ program. These tools assist individuals, families, teenagers, and couples in the mind-body approach for living.

Who can use the FUN™ Program?

Everybody! Individuals (including Dr. Shafer) have used this method to successfully shift habits and heal emotional and physical imbalances. The program allow participants to transform the life long habits of thinking and behavior that express themselves in physical and emotional distress.

The mindbody unity created with the FUN™ program permits remarkable healing to occur. By practicing the FUN™ approach to healing, the mind will reveal its power to generate physical health and emotional well-being. The connection between how we think, and what we are feeling in our bodies leads to transformation. The is the core of the FUN™ Program.

Bring on the FUN™

When you bring the body and do “the work” the mind will follow — here change is limitless! It’s not how much you think, it’s what happens when you do.

Download the The FUN™ Program Booklet