Role of Yoga in Anxiety and Depression
There’s more to Yoga than just standing on your head! Jupiter therapist Dr. Kathy Shafer shares a few simple concepts to ease anxiety & depression.
Earth Chakras Just as you have energy centers in your body called Chakras, so too does Mother Earth. As we walk upon the earth, we walk upon a living being more similar to ourselves than we imagine. Just like us, the earth has both a physical body and an energetic body, complete with a chakra […]
There’s more to Yoga than just standing on your head! Jupiter therapist Dr. Kathy Shafer shares a few simple concepts to ease anxiety & depression.
You may say I’m a dreamer But I’m not the only one I hope someday you’ll join us And the world will live as one ~~John Lennon In the wake of the Hamas attacks on Israel I am left reeling and wondering what I, one person, can do. My own personal connection to Israel, […]
If you wonder why you are attracted to or react to certain personality types, here is an article that came to my attention. See if this relates to you…be curious…Dr. Kathy The Hidden Cost of Childhood Trauma: Why We Seek Approval from Difficult People We’ve all experienced challenging relationships. A toxic partner, a demanding boss, or a narcissistic […]