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Mental Health

ai and mental health
Apr 15, 2024

AI and Mental Health

Did you ever think that we would think that Artificial Intelligence (AI) could fill the demand for the “shortage of therapists?” Did you know there was a shortage? On Sunday, April 7th, 2024, CBS ran a segment on 60 Minutes reporting this and implied we can replace live mental health therapy with Artificial Intelligence. This […]

power of addiction tedx talk
Feb 1, 2023

Why Addiction Is So Powerful

Canadian physician Gabor Maté spoke about The Power of Addiction and The Addiction to Power at TedXRio+20 in Brazil. Hugely powerful!

EMDR and trauma kathy shafer jupiter
Apr 22, 2019

EMDR, Trauma, and Addiction

EMDR, Trauma and Addiction is a guide created for psychotherapy practitioners to assist them in navigating the treatment of patients suffering from Trauma and Addiction using EMDR.

how to determine if you have mental health issues
Feb 13, 2019

Stressed or Anxious? When to Get Help.

36% of people report that stress makes them feel more anxious. The differences between the two can be confusing. Learn what to look for & when to get help.

yoga depression anxiety
Nov 29, 2018

Role of Yoga in Anxiety and Depression

There’s more to Yoga than just standing on your head! Jupiter therapist Dr. Kathy Shafer shares a few simple concepts to ease anxiety & depression.