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Jul 2, 2017 | LAST UPDATED: Mar 7, 2023

How to Be a Better You Without Changing a Thing

Looking for a more peaceful life, without the overwhelming stress? Start taking care of yourself now and see how quickly you’ll notice change. Here’s how.

Be better to yourself to avoid stress and anxiety
Applications of Brainspotting

Falling Awake

I wanted to reach out to you and give you the information about my 2nd book coming out in November, 2024 called Falling Awake:  The FUN(TM) Guide to Integrating EMDR, Brainspotting, and Yoga Nidra for Trauma and Self-Regulation.  The ISBN # is 9781839977893.  I am attaching the publisher’s (Singing Dragon) announcement as the book is […]

how to determine if you have mental health issues

Stressed or Anxious? When to Get Help.

36% of people report that stress makes them feel more anxious. The differences between the two can be confusing. Learn what to look for & when to get help.