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Oct 15, 2024 | LAST UPDATED: Oct 18, 2024

Yoga Nidra, Breathwork, Tapping (EFT), and Butterfly Hug: Self-Care Options During Times of Disaster and Extreme Stress

When all else fails—-breathe… The recent hurricanes and multiple tornadoes have caused destruction and disruption to the lives of millions in their path- throughout Florida, South Carolina, and more. Those impacted are still without power, access to Wi-Fi, and drinking water.  Some homes were flooded or destroyed, and entire communities are gone.  Many people, pets, […]

Learn how to recover from a traumatic experience with Yoga Nidra, Breathwork, and EFT Tapping—effective self-care tools for stress relief.

The Hidden Cost of Childhood Trauma

If you wonder why you are attracted to or react to certain personality types, here is an article that came to my attention.  See if this relates to you…be curious…Dr. Kathy The Hidden Cost of Childhood Trauma: Why We Seek Approval from Difficult People We’ve all experienced challenging relationships. A toxic partner, a demanding boss, or a narcissistic […]

how to determine if you have mental health issues

Stressed or Anxious? When to Get Help.

36% of people report that stress makes them feel more anxious. The differences between the two can be confusing. Learn what to look for & when to get help.